The Blog

New format for BSCAH clinical hypnosis training

BSCAH is excited to introduce an updated and streamlined training format for 2025, designed to provide a comprehensive and flexible learning experience for healthcare professionals in adjunctive clinical hypnosis. All


We all use metaphor and story throughout our lives, often without much in the way of conscious deliberation. It is a part of our normal communication

Tips for a stress-free Christmas 

Why worry? – Anxiety can be useful – to protect you from things going wrong! BUT – once you have looked at your worries and planned how to deal with them – you need to let the anxiety go.. it has done its job.

Grow your skills: A practical day of hypnosis

Do you miss discussion and swapping experiences with your professional colleagues about hypnotic applications in your clinical field? Do you miss practising hypnotic techniques face to face in the way